Lowcountry Community Church | Bluffton, SC

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Prayer of Dedication & Blessing


Today we bow before You, our Holy Eternal and Loving Father God, with hearts bursting with joyful thanksgiving and gratitude for Who You are and what You have done. And for all that You are yet to do.

We bless Your Holy Name, through Your Son, our Savior, Jesus. We thank You for Your never-failing goodness as You have poured out Your Holy Spirit to accomplish all that You have purposed.

We confess that the gathering of this people we know and love as Low County Community Church was Your idea…not ours. And yet, in Your grace and mercy, You invited that small band of men and women and appointed and anointed them to unite their hearts, minds, spirits to become a people who would love You with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. And You continue to show us that it is in that love that we are called and empowered to love others. We thank You! 

Thank You, Jesus, for the countless numbers who have come to know and love You as Redeemer and Lord. Thank You for every person…..child, student, adult, young and old, who You have called together to serve You in this strategic place. Thank You that You have assembled a people with every spiritual gift that you are using to expand Your Kingdom.

Thank You that You have heard and answered the thousands upon thousands of prayers for salvation, for healing, for guidance, for wisdom, for courage, and faith. 

We humbly pray Your blessing, protection, power and more than enough provision of every kind for our Pastor, Jeff Cranston. We thank You for his love for You, for His dependence on You, for his unrelenting zeal for Your Name. We ask You to pour out Your wisdom, discernment, compassion, and mercy in and through Him. And in the same way, we ask that You will stand guard over each and every staff member, Elder, teacher of Your Word, all who humbly serve You in the ways You have uniquely called and appointed them.

We humbly thank You for Your faithfulness, Your patience, Your mercy from that day till this.

Thank You that You are attentive today to our confessions and to our renewed commitments to make this a holy place. A place of worship in Spirit and Truth. A House of prayer. We understand that we are Your temple, not a building made by human hands. But we also understand that You are pleased that we have built this beautiful place for Your glory. And so we have.

We pray for Your favor as Your people gather in this place week after week, until Your promised return. Give us pure hearts. Give us a never-ceasing passion for Your Name and Kingdom. Grant that we might understand that we are a part of the Bride of Christ in the Low country, in this State, in these United States, and around the world.

Please keep our focus on You, Jesus….the Author and Finisher of our faith.

Please keep us humble that we might serve rather than be served.

Please keep our hearts tender toward all peoples and things that matter to You, and to be humbly bold, strong and courageous for Your Great Name.

We ask that You will bless all who have given their time, energy, prayers, money, and talent toward the building of this Worship Center. 

And finally, Lord, I pray this prayer over these my cherished brothers and sisters, and those who have gone before…and who are yet to come.

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. 

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ —

To the glory and praise of God. 

And all God’s People said…


— Pastor Tom Mosley, founding Pastor of LCC