Lowcountry Community Church | Bluffton, SC

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A Divine Invitation

By Ginny Chambers

Whenever there is an important event that needs to be shared with friends and family, people send out invitations. We all have probably sent them and received them at one time or another, whether it’s for a birthday party, wedding, anniversary or a retirement. The invitations may be handwritten or printed by a professional and extraordinary. And most invitations come with an “RSVP.”

Did you know RSVP is an abbreviation for the French phrase répondez s’il vous plait, meaning “please respond”? It is a request from the host to confirm your attendance.

Each and every day, God gives us an invitation to share in His kingdom. We are called to walk worthy of the Lord. Some lives are invited to join Christ in suffering. I was, when I was diagnosed with Chronic Leukemia in 2015.

Of course, it wasn’t a “yippee” moment, yet I was determined not to let any disease define me. Prayer and worship, along with posting written scripture verses as a border in my room, were all tools of the victory that was waiting. Another tool that I heard about on Christian radio has helped me greatly and continues to do so today. It’s a request to respond, an RSVP:

R = Remember God for who He is, rehearse past victories—like David did before he slayed the giant!
S = Surrender all of who you are to God, in humility and total honesty.
V = Victory, the battle is the Lord’s, He will fight for you.
P = Praise, knowing God watches over His Word to perform it. As we let our praise rise, the enemy flees.

You can respond to the Father, follow after Him and send back that RSVP in faith, knowing the event you will be attending someday will be spectacular. Don’t let anything steal your hallelujahs!

Ginny Chambers is an avid writer, living in the freedom of Christ. In her spare time, she enjoys volunteering at LowCountry Community Church, gardening and spending time with friends.