Lowcountry Community Church | Bluffton, SC

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Encouragement for Postpartum Moms

By Evan Page

Postpartum can be like a rollercoaster—not only physically, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well. One minute you can be on top of the world and then five minutes later you want to crawl into a hole and never come out. As a mom of three, I know how it is. So, while we are riding this emotional rollercoaster, here are some words of encouragement for all the postpartum mamas out there, no matter how old your youngest is!

1. Find your identity.

Don’t forget that your true identity is in Christ. The standard of what society finds beautiful does not equate to what God says is beautiful—your body included.

2. Count the cost.

Your body is not your own. Bearing children and raising children come at a price—mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Are you counting your blessings for the ones who the Lord has gifted you or are you thinking of those baby blessings as wearing you down?

3. Serve.

Your body is created to serve. As followers of Christ, our main purpose is to serve His kingdom. Where else better to do that than in our own homes?! God has given you the ability to continuously serve as a mama. It can be tiring at times, I know, but He will give you strength for the day. Remember to also take time to take care of yourself.

4. Have an attitude of gratitude.

Choose to be thankful for what your body has done and continues to do. Pregnancy is hard. Raising tiny humans is hard. Are you choosing to be grateful for the opportunity you have to grow God’s kingdom? As mothers, we get the chance to see just how generous and kind God is by gifting us the ability to help little ones learn and navigate the world around them.

5. You were made in the image of God.

Don’t be discouraged about your physical appearance because it is not where you want or expect it to be. God does not make mistakes. Even in Jesus’ resurrected state, He showed his scars to His disciples with pride. Your C-section scar can be one of the best reminders that Jesus is risen and that scars can be life-changing.

Until we are renewed with the coming of Jesus, we are given one earthly body. Even with all the changes that occur during pregnancy and post-pregnancy, we need to ask if we are good stewards of how God created us. No, it’s not always easy. Some days are exciting, while others are frustrating. And sometimes it’s all of the above in one day. It’s okay to say things are hard and that you need time and space to yourself to be an intentional mom. It’s needed. Not every day is perfect, but each day is a gift.

(Note: For any who may be experiencing signs or symptoms of postpartum depression, please do not hesitate to seek medical treatment. Postpartum depression is not a sign of personal weakness in parenting ability or a sign of character flaws.)

Evan Page lives in Hilton Head Island with her husband, Stephen, and their three children, Merrick, Wake and Wells. She is currently a stay-at-home mom, and most of her days are filled, trying to capture adventures with her children on camera.