LCC Staff Spotlight: Hannah Magelssen
You may know LCC’s staff members, but do you really know them? In this new blog series, you will find out more about the people who serve on LCC’s staff. From their favorite food to their favorite Bible verse, some of their answers may surprise you! This week, meet Hannah Magelssen, LCC’s Five/Six director.
LCC's Five/Six Director Hannah Magelssen with her husband Jordan and their kids.
Write your bio in three sentences:
My primary role is being a mom of three (with one on the way) and a wife. I graduated in 2011 from a Bible college with a degree in New Testament theology. Since then, I have worked with youth ministries, college ministry, and now preteen ministry!
What’s the weirdest or most interesting job you have ever had?
To be honest, there were not a lot of weird ones. I worked at a Taco Bell one summer, and that was pretty much torture.
What job would you like to have if not working in ministry?
An accountant
Where is your favorite place to be?
The mountains in Colorado
What is your favorite book?
Besides the Bible? I would say probably “Redeeming Love.”
What is your favorite movie?
“You've Got Mail” is up there, but the recent Marvel movies are my current favs.
What kind of music do you listen to?
Mostly worship music, some pop and folk.
What is your favorite food?
Steak or sushi
What is your favorite thing about living in the Lowcountry?
Probably the beach, maybe the Spanish moss, but definitely the people.
What is your favorite Bible verse and why?
2 Corinthians 4:11: "For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body." I love this verse because it reminds me that life is not for my own good or my own pleasure but for the cause of Christ and His gospel. And I love the image of Christ living through me.
Briefly tell us about your role at LCC …
As the Five/Six director, I run the 5th and 6th grade programs at LCC.
How have you seen or experienced God at work in your ministry?
Five/Six has only existed since this past October. I have seen God work through these students to open them up to His call on their lives. This is a fun age to get to work with because they are starting to own their faith apart from it just being something that "they have always done" or "because my family goes to church." I have seen God open their hearts and think more deeply about the things of God.
What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
Haha, mm, that I'm good at math and snowboarding.