Lowcountry Community Church | Bluffton, SC

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Why Connection Among Women Matters

by Megan Paulk, Ed.D.

As I experience more life, I’m increasingly convinced that relationships with Jesus-loving women are essential. I’ve always had friends, but I haven’t always had women who could guide me biblically through choices and challenges.

What are the Benefits of Female Friendship?

Being surrounded by women committed to being in the Word daily and deepening their relationship with Jesus is transforming. Even our bodies echo this truth. Research strongly supports the profound health benefits of deep female friendships. One study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology found that women with early-stage breast cancer who had strong social connections were four times more likely to survive than those with fewer friends. Friendships among women provide essential social support, promoting wellness, self-worth, and empowerment.

 When I started a small group of women in my home two years ago, each time we met, we could feel the power of the Holy Spirit moving among us as we studied the Bible together. Sharing our testimonies, being vulnerable, and acknowledging that none of us are perfect has strengthened our faith in the Lord and His plan for each of us. Having women who are non-judgmental but will hold you accountable moves you toward developing a Godly character and a stronger walk with Him. Knowing that other women are going through similar experiences and challenges is comforting. It’s a divine reminder that you are not alone.

How Can Female Friendships Strengthen My Faith?

Seeking meaningful connection isn’t always easy; it may even feel unnecessary or uncomfortable. You might tell yourself you don’t need support, or perhaps you find yourself resisting the idea of leaning on other women. But I can promise that the moments I pressed forward—despite my hesitations—became some of the most impactful experiences of my life. Those were the nights when God spoke through the stories of other women, reaching me in ways I hadn’t felt before. Their words, woven with wisdom and vulnerability, brought the Word alive in fresh and powerful ways, touching my heart and illuminating truths I might have missed.

Like Mary, who sought out Elizabeth in Luke 1:39, we can encourage and affirm each other We can remind each other how God works in our lives. We can be a source of support during life’s inevitable challenges and come together in joy to celebrate each other’s seasons of triumph.

Do not let the enemy fool you into thinking you do not need community. Seek it, run after it, and watch your life be enriched.  

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together…but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the day approaching.”—Hebrews 10:24-25

Dr. Megan Paulk, Ed. D. serves as Adult Ministry Coordinator, passionately creating spaces for Christ-followers to connect in Life Groups. As an educator, wife, and mother anchored in faith, Megan is dedicated to fostering fellowship and accountability, helping others grow in daily commitment to Christ.