Lowcountry Community Church | Bluffton, SC

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5 Ways to Thrive in 2025

by Pastor Anthony Lucarini, Next Gen Pastor

As we transition into a new year, it’s a natural time to reflect and plan. This period is filled with moments of looking back on the highs and lows of the past year and dreaming about what lies ahead. It’s an opportunity to grow, align, and thrive—and it all starts with intentional commitments.

Here’s how you and I can make 2025 a year of eternal significance by focusing on five key commitments:

1. Commit to Reading God’s Word

Foundational to thriving spiritually is a consistent engagement with the Bible. Scripture reveals God’s character, heart, and will for our lives. Psalm 1 describes those who meditate on God’s Word as being like a tree planted by streams of water—flourishing, fruitful, and resilient. Practical tips include setting a specific time and place and planning for daily Bible reading. This habit anchors us in truth and aligns us with God’s purpose.

2. Commit Your Time to the Lord

In our culture of constant busyness, it’s easy to lose sight of what matters most. Ephesians 5:15-17 encourages us to live wisely, making the most of our time by prioritizing God’s will. To thrive in 2025, we must intentionally allocate time to our relationship with God and take inventory of our commitments, ensuring they align with what truly matters.

3. Commit Your Plans to the Lord

Too often, we create plans and then ask God to bless them. Proverbs 16:3 reminds us to commit our works to the Lord, allowing Him to establish our plans. This year, instead of dictating, let’s ask God where He wants to lead us. By aligning our plans with His will, we step into His best for our lives.

4. Commit to a Rhythm of Prayer

Prayer is not an optional add-on but a vital connection with our Heavenly Father. It’s about union and communion—bringing every aspect of life to God. As 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, we are called to “pray without ceasing.” Whether expressing gratitude, interceding for others, or seeking guidance, prayer strengthens our relationship with God and keeps us anchored in Him.

5. Commit to Focusing Outward, Not Inward

True thriving comes when we shift our focus from building our own kingdoms to advancing God’s Kingdom. Jesus calls us to love, serve, and care for others. Matthew 25 reminds us that serving “the least of these” is serving Christ Himself. In 2025, let’s embrace opportunities to serve our community and live out the Gospel in tangible ways.

Thrive Where It Counts

These five commitments—reading God’s Word, prioritizing time with Him, aligning our plans with His will, cultivating prayer, and focusing outward—set the foundation for a year of growth and eternal impact. As we prioritize what matters most, 2025 can be a year of transformation and flourishing that leaves a lasting legacy.

Let’s step into this new year with purpose and commitment, trusting the Lord to guide us every step of the way.