Lowcountry Community Church | Bluffton, SC

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4 Best Disciplines for Spiritual Growth

by Jeff Cranston

(Second of a five-part series on the Core Values of LowCountry Community Church)

The On Purpose series explores the five purposes of the church and how we can fulfill them together: CONNECTING with God and others, GROWING in our faith, SERVING with our spiritual gifts, REACHING our community and the world with the gospel, and living a lifestyle of WORSHIP.

Spiritual growth should happen both individually and corporately. Paul writes in Ephesians 4:13-15 that as each of us grows spiritually, our church will grow as well. Spiritual growth means becoming more like Christ, not just following rules. God wants your heart, not a checklist of religious activities. True growth requires discipline, not just adherence to rules.

Here are the four best disciplines to help your spiritual growth:

1. TITHING - Regular giving of a tenth of your income.

Jesus gave up everything for us, and we should be willing to give up everything for Him. Luke 14:33 emphasizes the cost of discipleship, including our finances. Spiritual growth includes a heart committed to generous giving.

2. ATTENDING – Regular corporate church attendance

The writer of Hebrews challenges us in 10:24 to “spur” each other on. Considering that, in verse 25, he continues: “…not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:25, NASB95

What keeps us from regular church attendance? (The average, regular attender of a Protestant church service now attends 1.8 times per month. Can you imagine the letter the apostle Paul would write to the American church?) There are all sorts of reasons for missing church: vacation, job interference, kids’ sickness, golf game, good beach weather, travel ball. Consider this a reminder that a disciple committed to growing spiritually won’t miss an opportunity to be in church, fellowshipping, worshiping, and giving together.

3. CONNECTION to God’s people.

While Sunday services are important, small groups are essential for deeper connections. These groups allow us to learn, pray, share joys and sorrows, and grow together as followers of Christ.

4. QUIET TIME - Regular time in God’s Word and in prayer.

If you want to move from rules to a relationship in your spiritual growth, you must be disciplined to regularly reading the Bible. It is the truth that will provide you the freedom to passionately follow Him. One of the unique qualities of the Christian faith is that we have direct, constant and unfettered access to God, the creator of the Universe. May we never neglect our time in prayer to Him.

Reflect on your spiritual growth: Are you giving like Jesus? Attending church regularly? Part of a small group? Committed to daily Bible reading and prayer? May God bless you as you grow in Him.

Watch the full message below.

Pastor Jeff Cranston is the Lead Pastor at LowCountry Community Church