Lowcountry Community Church | Bluffton, SC

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How To Pray The Lord’s Way

We often get caught up in the space of pursuing our own will and the things of this earth, instead of God’s kingdom and His will.


Matthew 6:10 (NASB)

10 Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.


  • How would you define the kingdom of God? What does it mean to work to advance God’s kingdom? What ideas, roles, or activities come to mind?

  • Do you believe that you are actively working to advance God’s kingdom? In what ways?

  • What do you think of when you hear the phrase, “God’s will”? Is God’s will a concept that is elusive to you, or clearly defined? Explain.

  • Would you say your prayers are generally centered more on your will or God’s will? How do you know?

  • Why is it important to recognize the spiritual and physical natures of God’s kingdom? • How does God answer this petition? How does God’s kingdom come into the world?

  • How does having a greater understanding of the kingdom of God help you pray for His kingdom to come?

  • If this is something God has promised, why should we also pray for this to take place? What impact does praying in this way have in our lives?

  • What “will” was Jesus talking about here? When we pray for the Father’s will to be done, what are we asking for?

  • Why is it important we pray in accordance with the will of God?

  • How does this petition relate to the coming of God’s kingdom?

  • What is done in heaven that is not being done on earth?

  • How does praying for God’s will shape the rest of our petitions?


  • How specifically have you been praying for the kingdom of God to come and for His will to be done?

  • Pastor Jeff made the following points of application in regard to praying “Your kingdom come:” We are to pray for those without Christ. We are to pray for ourselves. We are to pray with anticipation. How do these three ways of praying for God’s kingdom to come challenge you personally?

  • We also learned that praying for God’s will to be done means having a willingness to submit our wills to God’s will, a willingness to study to know God’s will, and a willingness to completely surrender to God’s will. What is one specific situation in which you’re struggling to trust God and His will? In that situation, what part of you must die for you to pray, “Your will be done”?

  • Pastor Jeff said, “You cannot pray this prayer without being drafted into action to see God’s will done on earth.” What did he mean by that? What practical actions can we take to show our commitment to the will and kingdom of God?


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