Lowcountry Community Church | Bluffton, SC

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The Explosion Of Forgiveness

The prayer of forgiveness involves an action on God’s part and an action on your part.


Matthew 6:12 (NASB)

12 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

Matthew 6:14-15 (NASB)

14 For if you forgive other people for their offenses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive other people, then your Father will not forgive your offenses.


  • Name something you’d like for someone else to do for you, but don’t necessarily want to do yourself (i.e., cleaning toilets, mowing the lawn, preparing dinner, etc.).

  • Respond to the following statement: It is easier to receive forgiveness than to give it.

  • Who is someone you consider a forgiving person? Why do you think he or she is that way?

  • Is it reasonable for God to expect us to forgive people who have hurt us deeply? Is it possible for you to forgive people who have hurt you deeply? Explain.

  • According to this verse, what do you need from God? How do the words “debt” and “debtors” add to your understanding of this verse?

  • Why is it so difficult for many of us to recognize the debts we accrue on a daily basis?

  • Is acknowledging your need for God to forgive you part of your regular prayer practice? Why or why not?

  • What are you acknowledging to be true about God’s character when you humbly ask for forgiveness?

  • Why do you think asking for forgiveness is so difficult for many people?

  • Why do you think offering forgiveness is so difficult?

  • Why do many of us mentally disconnect the link between our forgiveness of others and God’s forgiveness of us?

  • What happens when you do that?

  • What do these verses teach us about forgiveness?

  • Why is it so important for us to practice forgiveness?

  • According to Jesus, what is the true motivation for forgiveness? How is that different from most people’s motivation to forgive?

  • Why do you think Jesus chose forgiveness as the only subject in the Lord’s Prayer where He emphasized people’s actions?

  • Given Jesus’ warning in verse 15, how can we help each other grow in our ability to forgive?

  • Beyond just obeying God by confessing our sins to one another, what other benefits do you see this practice delivering?

  • When have you seen the power of forgiveness change lives?


  • Dr. Dave Park has made the following points about forgiveness: 1. Forgiveness is not forgetting. 2. Forgiveness is a choice. 3. Forgiveness means giving up on revenge. Which of these stands out to you the most? Why?

  • He also says that to forgive from the heart, we must admit the hurt and hatred we feel instead of burying it deep inside. What is hard about that for you? How can this group help you in that?

  • How does the regular rhythm of prayer help you seek forgiveness and give forgiveness?


Joining a group is a great way to know people and strengthen your relationship with Jesus Christ. Take a look at available groups to get plugged in to and find the group that is right for you. 


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